Ever thought cycling was too tedious of a task? Well, fret no more! Over the course of years the traditional cycle has gone through as many modifications as a regular motor vehicle. And adding to the long list of cycles available in today’s times are the E-cycles. An E-cycle is an electric bicycle also known as an e-bike with an integrated electric motor which aids in propulsion. Many kinds of e-bikes are available worldwide, however, they still retain the ability to be pedaled by the rider and are therefore not electric motorcycles. E-cycles generally use rechargeable batteries and typically travel up to 25 to 32 km/h.
Although E-cycles have existed for quite some time, it is only in recent times that they have gained so much popularity. Tourist destinations usually see a surge in E-cycles as they appear to be a relatively healthier mode of transport and they also give you an unmatchable feel of your surroundings. Throttling around on a bicycle along the serene roads of the countryside is an experience like no other.
Although cycles have been in the limelight for generations, and are probably one of the oldest modes of transport, it is only now, during the course of the coronavirus pandemic that the number of cyclists on roads have increased. Individuals took to cycling as a leisure activity and a stress buster to cope up with these unprecedented times and all of a sudden there’s a sudden surge in cycles on the road. And due to the ease with which E-cycles can be used, these cycles too have made themselves known on the popularity charts.
In India, E-cycles are available on a rental basis and are also sold at shops. Certain areas around parks and recreational lands are allocated for E-cycle parking, where in the cycles can be taken for the duration of time they are needed. As a result of which E-cycles have made it to the must try list at almost all holiday destinations. One such destination that endorses E-cycles is the beautiful land of beaches and breeze, ‘Goa’. Travelling along the roads of Goa on a bicycle is a memory to cherish, as the wind blowing through your hair as you move across the palm paved roads is magical.
One such organization that offers E-cycle tours in and around the state of Goa is a company called ‘blive’ (https://www.blive.co.in/collections/goa-tours ) . blive takes you cycling through the monuments and buildings of Goa giving you insight into the thinkers who shaped Goa over the years and influenced Goa’s town planning, architecture, art, scholars and politicians. From a sneak-peak into daily lives of locals, and unimaginably beautiful views of Goa’s greenery, blive’s E-cycling tours allow you to absorb the serenity and beauty of this state. With the help of blive you can cycle through some stunning stretches and get a behind the screens look of the Goan lifestyle.
On our tour of Goa, we resorted to E-cycles provided to us by blive and even went around and explored the state on their tours. We were greeted with the smell of freshly baked Paos and were amazed by the stories of some of the oldest churches, Temples and other monuments of Goa. We had the opportunity to experience a lesser-known, real side of Goa with the help of blive which we have depicted in our videos. E-cycles are one of the best modes of transport in Goa as they can help you soak in the real beauty of this terrific holiday destination.
So the next time you visit Goa, do get yourself a tour of the state on E-cycles by blive, and I promise you that you will never regret it.
Happy travelling!