Polite, helping and always eager to learn new things--that's how most people would describe 11th-grader Sourabh from Arainpura who forayed into the world of art when he made a portrait of Mr. Sushil Garg, head of the Anaz Mandi (Grain Market) in Gharaunda. His appreciation for Sourabh's work inspired him to progress as an artist.
Sourabh is not a professionally trained artist, but as luck would have it, his uncle, Mr. Suresh Kumar, a teacher of fine arts in the school had a big hand to play in influencing his work. What resulted was a developing interest as well as an eagerness in him to become an artist.
"I have observed that art has the capability to express many things and massage which cannot be expressed by another medium. This is an inspiring feature of art & connects me to art. When I see or feel anything that I can make , from here an idea comes in my mind and this initiates my creativity process."
As an artist, Sourabh primarily creates paintings on various events and days using streets and park walls as his preferred supports. He has even delivered many a social message to society on various issues using his art. Sourabh's artistic efforts have brought him many laurels including three first place awards in Raahgiri and a first place award in a wall painting contest, all organized in Gharaunda.
He dreams that his art artwork would one day be presented alongside some of the other best paintings in the world. If he could meet any artist past or present, he would want to meet Da Vinci and have him critique his work and share tips on improving his skills.
Sourabh does not believe that art has much to do with a subject's outer beauty. He therefore chooses to capture the essence of the inner beauty of his subjects through his artwork. In this regard at least, COVID-19 has not limited his creativity; instead, it has given him additional time to learn new things about art and groom his creativity.
To the artists of the world, Sourabh has one thing to say,
"...use [your] art for the betterment of society…"
We concur Sourabh, sound advice. Check out his work and the work of other artists in the contest by clicking here. You may just get the inspiration you need to get started with your next project.